Friday, December 24, 2010

Tis the Season

For catching up with old friends! I have been very lucky to catch up with some of my friends from...well practically forever. I knew almost all of them in Elementary School- which was a really really long time ago. It was especially nice that everyone took time out of their busy holiday schedule to get together. Its also been fun to randomly bump in to friends and friend's siblings all across town- that's what makes FoCo so great.

My first trip was to see my friend C. and her kids K., C. and the newest addition, T.! I have known C. since we went to the same daycare! I brought K. and C. some silly costumes purchased in Little India, which they looked super adorable in, of course.
Seriously, they couldn't possibly be any cuter. 
And the fact that I held K. when she was first born and so tiny and she is now a brilliant and funny 8 year old makes me feel exceptionally old. I bought Girl Scout cookies from her last year- crazy how time flies. 

And this relaxed little fellow is T. the newest addition to the family and quite the charmer. 
There is nothing quite like the joy of snuggling with a warm baby. Love him to pieces. 
Many thanks to C. and family for letting us come over.

The next stop on the reunion tour was to the Rio for a traditional holiday Mexican lunch and world famous rio-rita with some of my friends who went to Beattie Elementary, Boltz Jr. High School and Rocky Mountain High School with me! We have been getting together for a drink around Christmas for a few years now, and we were short some members of the group this year (missed them lots!) but we had a GREAT time catching up on everyone's busy lives. 
The killer Rio Marg. Tastes like home. 
They are so strong they sell them in a mini version, but Dave and I couldn't turn down a full one. 

4 of the Rocky HS girls. Lobo pride. 

I know I am gushing (think I am happy to be home?) but its been awesome to see people that I haven't seen in forever and I am lucky to have such great friends =) 

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