Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More Fancy Dress

So here are some pictures from my first Big Law adventure in Fancy Dress =) I have unfortunately decided not to post *that* many pictures, as I respect the right of my colleagues to not have a picture of them in a silly costume on floating around the internet featured on a blog that only about 5 people read. Rather than ask all of them individually if its cool, I will limit my posting to pictures of people I know to be good sports about this sort of thing =)

Me and K.- he was a mechanic. 

A few comments- yes, my hair is super long. It took me by surprise as well considering this is the first time I have had my hair really straightened out since arriving in Sing Sing over 9 months ago. Something about 90% humidity takes away even the most magical powers of the Chi, and I promptly gave up on shiny straight hair and have been rocking a more curly-frizzy bo-ho look recently. Looking forward to my fabulous hair dresser (and cousin) giving me a nice mop chop next week! 

Me and my former secretary S. She was a samsui woman, which is apparently a Chinese immigrant woman from the early days of Singapore that worked construction building the city. She (and her fellow samsui woman) won best costume! And with a cool hat like that, she totally deserved it! 

My friend S., who came as a field hockey player, being temporarily confused and trying on the intern's Freddy Krugger costume. Scary. 

We got stuffed bears as the gift on the table. 
These were particularly useful later as soft objects to be hurled at Partners (and associates and trainees- we are equal opportunity bear throwers) participating in a wide variety of antics on stage- because when else is it going to be acceptable behavior to chuck anything at a Partner? It was awesome. 

At the end of the night I magically ended up with about 100 of them in my bag (I am blaming the pool boy sitting next to me for such mischief) so if anyone has a burning desire for a made-in-china sailor bear, you know who to ask. 

And we ate. It was surprisingly good. And we convinced K. to try his first oyster. I felt a bit guilty about this the next day after the Managing Partner claimed that he felt ill due to the suspect oyster bar, but as K. and I survived food poisoning- free, the guilt passed. 

K.- super super excited to have won a plush toilet paper roll hanging thing. Obviously, the prizes were super awesome. 

So this is my boss. 
He came as a pimp. 

Male best costume went to this fellow, E., who certainly had the most outrageous costume of the evening. He also has a good sense of humor, so it was all in good office fun. 

Late night with the trainees and S. 
We came to dance, dance, dance..

The only truly awkward part of the night came with the dance floor opened up and a notoriously difficult partner was dancing with the peasants associates for a while.... no one wants to bust a move with a partner, so it was a bit strained. But I think she got the memo that no one could possibly have fun in the presence of a tyrant demi-god partner and took her leave. Crisis avoided. 

I know it seems strange (just add it to the list of bizarre happenings in Singapore) but it was a good time. I think its quite healthy for people who take themselves very seriously all day to occasionally let loose and put on a ridiculous costume and throw bears at superiors (note: I guarantee that next year they will remember said bear-throwing and make sure we get table gifts that cannot easily be used as weapons). Everyone had a good sense of humour about the theme- one of my personal favourites was that a group of the secretaries came as tai-tais (rich chinese housewives)-which was pretty clever. Even better yet, the few Partners that have no sense of humour, gave us the best Christmas gift of all, and didn't come.

1 comment:

  1. I hafta say- if I EVER got the chance to throw innocent stuffed animals at superiors, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat. Some more than others, of course...

    Do you think that maybe the stuffed toys WERE the backup plan and the approved ammo? Maybe they gave out little metal statues a few years ago and had way too many workman's comp (do they have that there?) claims the day after? Or that they didn't provide any throw-able gifts and got in trouble from the venue for the flying oysters they found stuck to the walls? Stuffed toys seem like the way to go, lol!!!
