Monday, December 6, 2010


After a wonderful, amazing, delicious Thanksgiving dinner with new friends, we decided that we wanted to get in on the party hosting action and finally have people over to our place for a fiesta. And since classic american brunch food is my specialty and my favorite meal, we threw a brunch buffet on Saturday!
First step, load up on groceries. 
We decided to maximize the value of our S$1.00 deposit on the grocery cart and took it straight on home with us. Now before we get caned for this, we fully intend to return it to the store, its just on loan. 

Step 2- Start baking. 
From top- Banana Blueberry Cornmeal Muffins, Lemon Cream Scones and Pumpkin Pie Scones. 

Step 3- In honor of Hanukkah, learn to make potato pancakes. 
I didn't try one, but I hear they went over well and Dave has already requested a repeat. A+ for effort. 
Getting the food ready for transport. 

Check out all the food! 

Step 4: Relocate venue from a lovely poolside BBQ pit to the breezy 31st floor. 
View of Chinatown and the city from 31

Lovely Chinatown shop houses from above. 

Step 5: Invite over all your Singapore friends for a feast! 
Dave and K. Dave was pretty proud of his crazy outfit. Singapore Slingers pride. 

The buffet! 

Friends enjoying some brunch. 31 turned out to be a perfect spot for the party. 

Unintended use of the whipped cream cans. 

B. relaxing. 31 can be a pretty great place. 

Par-tay time. 

I wish I had remembered to take more pictures because it was SO much fun. The rainy weather that forced us up to Floor 31 instead of our original plan to have it poolside, let up and later in the afternoon, we headed down to the pool for some excellent lounging and swimming time. As the sun went down, we headed back to 31 for some relaxing hot tub time. All in all- an excellent day! And it was so great to have something fun to do to keep my mind off of the 1/2 Marathon the next day- kept the pre-race jitters at bay all day! 

Thanks to all of our wonderful friends for spending your Saturday with us- we are looking forward to many many more Icon parties. 


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