Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rocky Mountain High, Colorado

We were shocked to realize that after all the times Dave has visited Colorado, we never managed to take him up to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park! I guess we usually got our mountain fix with our ski trips to Breckenridge, but since we didn't end up hitting the slopes this year, we had time to show him a Colorado favorite!
On the way up the canyon, we happened upon this fellow and his friend. 

It was coooooollllllddddd up at the higher elevations. Brrrrr. 
Dave was a little irritated that I hadn't suggested he dress warmer, opps. 

These elk were literally right by the side of the road. The tourists and cars didn't seem to bother them at all. 

Hello. Nice rack =) 
One of the best parts of Estes is the Salt Water Taffy Shop. Yummy sticky goodness. 

Oh and don't forget the famous caramel apples! Look at all those sweet treats. 

Dave and I enjoying an apple snack. 

Love the mountains!

Rosie, the best red bug ever.
We decided we needed a little winter photoshoot and managed to climb up some ice and snow to achieve this lovely pose. Dave managed to look only moderately miserable in this one, unlike the first 5 where he looked like he was going to cry because I made him sit in the snow. 

We heart Colorado. 

Unfortunately, when we were climbing up to the *perfect* picture spot, we didn't calculate how difficult it might be to get back down to the car.
While it looks like I am mid-fall, I am actually mocking Dave and demonstrating my superior balance and coordination skills while he shuffles himself down the slope.

Me, attempting to get in to bow pose in the background. 
Am I am show off? Maybe. But when you've got skills, you've got skills.
Notice Dave, still shuffling his way cautiously down the snow. 

Turns out bow pose in Uggs on ice was not the best idea. My first Bikram teacher used to tell us in class that bow pose was not a party trick, guess she was right. 

Decided that walking wasn't cool and took the sledding approach to the descent back to the car. 

Yup, I made it. And I am sure no permanent damage was done to my tail bone. 

Try to ignore how cold we look =) 

So now Dave can say he has been to Rocky Mountain National Park, which, in my humble opinion, is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I think he would prefer that our return trip either be (a) in the summer or (b) involve a winter coat, gloves and a hat. 

XoXo- E

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