Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Colorado Love

Colorado is just sooooo beautiful, I cannot help but want to take my camera everywhere with me and capture all the prettiness so I can take it back to Singapore with me. This is right in front of my Mom's home- nothing better than the mountains in the morning sun. 

After a bit of a rough morning (amazing how work can ruin your day from 15hrs and thousands of miles away) I went to yoga to de-stress and saw this amazing sight on the way downtown

A fantastic BRIGHT rainbow. I wish wish wish I had thought to bring my camera (but to be fair, most normal people wouldn't have thought to bring their camera to yoga at 9am) so the pictures are taken on my blackberry (the only useful function on the electronic leash) and they do not show the true beauty of this rainbow. It was was a full arch and a double rainbow! And the colors were so intense and bright. 
Between the 'bow and some nice quiet time in yoga, my mood was much improved. Now if my blackberry were to accidentally end up under the wheels of the car my mood might be permanently improved....or at least for three weeks=)

To make my day even better, and remind me why Fort Collins is so great, after yoga we ran to my favorite breakfast spot in town, the Silver Grill. While we were waiting for our massive yummy sugary gooey cinnamon rolls to be wrapped up, in walked one of my very dear friend and her family, including her brand new baby boy! That's the joy of a town like Fort Collins, you always run in to friendly faces. 

Took Dave to one of Fort Fun's most famous attractions, the Budweiser plant. 

Much was learned about beer and a good time was had by all. 

Oh Fort Collins, I love you so. 

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