Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fancy Dress- Part 1

So my office Christmas party was fancy dress.... for those of you who don't speak British- that means a costume party. And yes, I do think its very strange to have a costume party for work, but these Brits are crazy and they love themselves a proper fancy dress bash.  This year's theme was "Professions"- and I had big plans to put together an award winning costume... but..... as the date drew nearer and time ran out, I decided to put some lesser worn pieces of my wardrobe to good use and went as a......

The Brits may call this a costume, but where I come from, this would not be that unusual of an outfit for your average Friday. The boots, skirt, belt and hat were all mine- and the plaid shirt and fake bandana (how did I manage to come to Singapore with out a single bandana???) were thrifted at Mustafa (the most wonderful store in Singapore, more on that later). 

I can admit to being very skeptical about the idea of a work costume party. Work parties are usually sufficiently awkward all on their own....add in costumes, alcohol and the questionable judgment of colleagues.... the opportunities to be sufficiently humiliated are plentiful. But, it turned out to be a LOT of fun. The entertainment was thankfully PG-13 and practically everyone was on their best behavior. The venue was great, the food was tasty and the costumes were most amusing. I have lots and lots of pictures to post but will leave you with these two for now, borrowed from the work intranet. 

Me and the Charlie's Angels Marketing Team. 

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