Sunday, December 5, 2010

Catching up- November in a Nutshell

We have been pretty bad at the blogging again, sorry about that. But we did have a great end of November! Our monster deal that we were working on as opposing counsel FINALLY closed! So we are done working opposite each other and back to normal life and not sleeping in the office, all of which is super.

Love the Christmas decorations at Tangs! 

We celebrated Thanksgiving with a buffet dinner at the Marriot on Orchard Road, which was supposedly one of the better places in town for a classic American spread.  It was...ok. While the food left something to be desired (there was no stuffing!) we thoroughly enjoyed the wine buffet and it was really nice to go out and celebrate together and find some holiday spirit. (And we lucked out and got a 2nd thanksgiving later in the week with new friends!)

A happy American with his first Thanksgiving plate. 

No stuffing. But they did have delish mashed potatoes and some sort of interesting tortellini. 
Mini pecan pie 

Calling home to wish our loved ones a Happy Turkey Day, def. the highlight of the night. 

Nothing says Thanksgiving like a well stocked raw bar? 

Thanksgiving sushi. Totally normal. 
Maybe they at crabs in Maryland for their first Thanksgiving with the Native Americans? 

More after the jump....

While we were a little disappointed about the lack of stuffing and plethora of creepy seafood at our first Thanksgiving dinner, we were thrilled to be invited to a Thanksgiving dinner party the Saturday after thanksgiving by some of Dave's baseball  teammates and had a truly wonderful time! There was amazing home cooked food and even better company. It was also nice to spend some time with some fellow American ex-pats and this group of people is so much fun. We were in need of some holiday cheer and are very appreciative of the generosity of this group to invite us in- a super weekend was had by all. 

What else happened in November.....

Dave's baseball team continued their winning streak with a big victory over the super intense Korean team. 

Baseball has been really fun so far- for all parties involved. I am usually the only fan, but I like to spend some time outside, I got a super comfy camping chair from Carrefour for the games and I play a very important role of nursing hangovers providing important hydration with emergency trips to 7-11 for refreshments mid-game. 

We also had to venture out and pick up the race packs for the 1/2 Marathon. Since these are out of order, you already known how that turned out! 
First trip out to the Singapore Expo- massively crowded place! 

Felt longer than it looked, I swear. 
And I note that there is nothing labeled "soul crushing vertical incline" on this map, and that should have been included at least a half a dozen times. 

Dave carrying the goodie bags! I love the random stuff they include in these things.
We also have quite the collection of these draw string sports bags now. Maybe the next race will spice it up with a new kind of bag. 

So that is basically November in a nutshell. It was a LONG month of a LOT of long hours at work but ended with a great weekend with friends. December has been awesome so far- we had a super weekend this weekend and are looking forward to our last weekend in the Sing Sing before we COME HOME in TWO WEEKS! Cannot wait to see everyone in the states!!!1


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