Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goodbye Colorado, Hello Jersey Shore

They say time flies when you are having fun, but woah did this past week go by too fast. It seems like we just got here but now we are all packed up (ok, allllmost all packed up) and ready to head East to brave the snow in New York and New Jersey.

We had such a nice Christmas that we haven't even had time to post pictures!

We have a little last minute packing to do (Step 1: Buy another suitcase!) and some Fort Collins favorites to eat one last time (Big City Burrito lunch coming right up), and gotta stop by and say goodbye to my Grandma- and then we are going to be off to Denver to catch a flight to Newark and will be crossing our fingers for snow-free runways and on-time flights!

See you later Colorado, its been wonderful! 

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