Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Family Love

Every family has there own traditions, and this is one of my favorites. The Davis family three layer German Chocolate Cake. It takes a looooong time to make, and is a bit of an art form, but (licking my lips thinking about it) the finished product is tasty! 
Mom, stuck with the task of icing the cake. Not the easiest job. 

Nearly finished product. Delish! 

This is the newest member of the family...
actually I suppose Dave joined a little bit after her, so we will call her the littlest. 
I swear I would have taken more pictures of her equally adorable older brother Charlie, but he was busy playing video games in the basement with the big cousins until his poor little eyes were glazed over from PS3 overload. So he missed his photo shoot and Mae got the full paparazzi attention. 
Good thing she didn't seem to mind. 

Sisters. <3

Cousins. Lane is thrilled to have his picture taken, as per usual. 

4 Generations of Hands. Mae, her Mom, Grandma Davis and Great-Grandma Davis

Me and Grandma. 
(Love you Grandma!)

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