Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cookie Monster

In the effort to get in the holiday spirit, I have been baking some cookies. It is however less Christmas-y to bake cookies in a mini-oven in 100 degree weather than it is when there is a gentle snow falling outside.

But its the effort that counts.

And of course, working on my DSLR skills. Don't these cookies look yummy!

Introducing Singapore to the Snickerdoodle.
 It went over quite well. Although they were unimpressed with the name. 

Good thing my husband never minds taking cookies to work, because we had a LOT of cookies. 

Nope, thats not an EZ Bake oven built in to my kitchen, its an actual oven that just barely fits my normal sized American cookie sheets. It also has about 50 settings, none of which I know how to use. But I do know if you set it on what I can only assume is "convection" or "warp speed" that it cooks cookies in about 2.5 minutes. Score. 

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