Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bali Hai- 3- Happy Anniversary!

One year went by so fast!
A lot has happened in a year! First we moved in to our first apartment at 1 Irving,got settled in with all of our new wedding presents, then we moved to Singapore, and now here we are in Asia, close enough to Bali to go back! It is all really crazy. 

To celebrate our anniversary, we asked the wonderful people at the Gangsa to set up a private BBQ in our villa. And they really knocked themselves out making it beautiful!

Checking out the BBQ.
Floating candles in our pool.

Before dinner, we went to check out some very cool Balinese dancing.

And when we came back from the dancing, our villa looked like this:

Then Dave had to go check on the pig. 

It was seriously a whole pig, just for us. They don't mess around. 


We had a HUGE dinner, and finished with this pretty cake!
Which was delivered to us by these guys:

This is the point at which our evening got really interesting. We kept hearing the LOUDEST frogs you have ever heard in your life. I optimistically thought they were in the garden behind the pool. Nope. Turns out they were IN the pool. 

Seriously eww. There were lots of them. And of course, after a few glasses of wine, we had to break out the flashlight and hunt them across the yard and pool. 

Frog hunting.

At this point Dave was really strongly regretting that late night dip in the pool he took the first night we were in Bali. Swimming with frogs, gross.

The night devolved in to chasing the frogs around the pool and garden with the flashlights, and shrieking when the frogs touched me. We're adults, we swear. 

All in all we had a WONDEFUL anniversary dinner!

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