Friday, September 17, 2010

Kindle Love and Book Review

Its hard to imagine how we lived before Kindle. Really. I love that little electronic book so much. In the last four months, my Kindle has been a life saver. Partially because its expensive to get books here- a paperback sets you back at least 30 dollars and while I haven't been looking extensively (thanks to the Kindle) it doesn't seem like the bookstores here have a particularly inspiring collection of English fiction.

But I may have realized that the Kindle can be a bit of a problem. All this easy at-your-fingertips- access to books has seriously increased by book devouring. So much in fact that I have read over 30 books in almost 6 months.  Now if you want a good review of books, I suggest you check the blog of my darling and literary-minded cousin Kerry, but I thought I would offer you my humble list of yays and nays from the last few months.


  • Cutting for Stone- Abraham Verghese (SO GOOD!)
  • Animal Dreams- Barbara Kingsolver
  • Pigs in Heaven- Barabara Kingsolver
  • Prodigal Summer- Barabara Kingsolver (yes, you're sensing a theme here- I was on a Kingsolver roll for a while- think I have read them all now!)
  • The Caligrapher's Daughter- Eugenia Kim
  • Swan Thieves- Elizabeth Kostova (a K.Serini recommendation) 
  • The Lunatic Express- Carl Hoffman
  • The Lacuna- Barbara Kingsolver (Best Kingsolver read this summer- *might* be on par with Poisonwood Bible) 
  • World Without End- Ken Follett
  • Pillars of the Earth- Ken Follett 
  • The Help- Kathryn Stockett
NAYS: (I am not thaaaat critical, but these were pretty bad)
  • Agaat, Marlene Van Niekerk 
  • Rage of Angels, Sidney Sheldon

Beach Reads (a.k.a: indulgent but not going to increase your IQ) 
  • Dead in the Family- Charlene Harris
  • Lost on Planet China- J. Maarten Troost 
  • Sex Lives of Cannibals- J. Maarten Troost (he is hilarious- highly recommended for a good laugh) 
  • Getting Stoned with Savages- J. Maarten Troost 
  • South of Broad- Pat Conroy

What I'm reading now:

I am finishing up book three of the Steig Larsson "Girl" series.... and love them! It took me a while to get in to the Dragon Tatoo but once I pushed through the first few chapters, I was obsessed. I read the whole first book, second book and part of the third book while we are in Bali. Highly reccomended- but you must read them in order.

I am almost done with the Hornet's Nest.... and getting nervous, because I don't have anything in the pipeline! I am always looking for book recommendations- let me know if you have read something great!

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