Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bali Hai- 1

Our return trip to Bali was AMAZING. We are so fortunate to get to have a second honeymoon back to the place of our first honeymoon!

Our trip started out in normal fashion for us, with immigration fails. First, Dave and his sweaty fingers managed to screw up the finger-print scan in the automated immigration clearance line in Changi. After a few more attempts, with the help of the immigration agent, we were on our way to duty free heaven and an uneventful flight to Bali. The next bump in the road came when I decided to fill out our Indonesia immigration forms in green ink- because  the only pen in my bag happened to be green. Green is similar to blue- its not like I did it in pink ink or crayola or anything. Well, Mr. Grumpy Immigration Officer did not appreciate my green ink. Turns out it was written quite clearly that the form should be filled out in blue or black...opps. After much hand wringing, sighing and moaning, he re-filled out our cards for us. We assume he wanted a bribe but he was such a jerk about the whole slow moving process, that when he cleared us through, we quickly went on our way, hoping he didn't have the authority to sabotage our exit from the country. So now, somewhere in our Indonesian immigration files is a notation that we do not follow instructions (and do not provide bribes.)

We arrived at the Gangsa, the BEST villas hotel in the world. And after some welcome flowers (as worn by D.Curtiss above) and a delightful welcome drink, we were shown to our villa- which was the exact same one we stayed in last year! So fun!

Our pool

Open air living room and dining room. 

We love Bali!

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