Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another Big Thank You!

We have been so spoiled recently! In addition to the wonderful package we received from the Kilduff's in Baltimore, and all the thoughtful anniversary cards (thanks everyone!), we got another fabulous package from the Curtiss fam!

A new aero garden! Woot woot. 

In addition to our new and improved garden, we got lots of other goodies too!

It was like Christmas in our house in September! Dave was thrilled to get the new Madden for PS3 (I was ever so slightly less thrilled to have more video games in the house), and the forbidden delicacy- GUM! And popcorn and a book. It was overwhelming!

They also sent us our wedding flag that they got for the beach house for the wedding!

Thanks Mom and Dad! 
We reallllllly appreciate it!

And thanks to everyone who sent us cards to celebrate our anniversary! We love getting mail and it was such a nice surprise. They are looking lovely decorating our apartment!

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