Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bali Hai- 2

OK, so the majority of the rest of our trip went like this:

Eat, read kindle, drink Bintang beer, eat more, suntanning, more kindling, more eating, more beer, sleep. In short, it was amazing. I left so incredibly relaxed. And tan.

This sort of exciting activity doesn't lend itself to too many exciting stories, so here are some pretty pictures instead!

Ahhhh, the beach. 

A happy man. =) Please note that he is FULLY in the shade. Fully. Where he remained at all times, except for infrequent visits to the water. Despite this, he still managed to get a sun burn! Meanwhile, I am slathering myself in oil and laying in direct sun, and I hardly even got a tan line! Unfair. 

The makings of a perfect day = beach, beer, kindle and sunscreen. 

Not a bad view. 

The next day we decided to be a little bit more active, and went on a nice bike ride on the Sanur beach walk. Mainly because Dave was too burned to lay in the sun again and we were not feeling brave enough to deal with Bali traffic and go anywhere outside of the Sanur area. 

Our bike trip was mainly beer drinking with occasional biking in between beers. 

Ran in to a little worship service on the beach. The best part was watching the kids in the front here behave exactly like kids behave in worship services anywhere in the world. But luckily for them, their offerings and flowers made for the perfect toys to throw at each other while the adults prayed.

Another stop for beer.

And tending to some bike related injuries. 

Watching some very cool kite surfing in the inlet. 

In addition to lounging at the beach and beer drinking, we also did some good eating of delicious Balinese food.

Yummy pina colada at Bumbu Bali. 
Quite the spread for dinner. 

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