Thursday, May 12, 2011

Michele & Jason's Singapore Triathlon

The day after my ill-fated footrace, I headed out bright and early in the morning with my friends J. and C. to cheer on our friends M. and J. on their first triathlon! Luckily their race went WAY better than mine! 

It was so inspiring to be a part of these guy's journey to the tri. They trained so hard, and were so dedicated to their goals, it was amazing to get to see them in action on race day! 
M. and her supporters! 

Looking tough with that war-paint. 

J charging out of the water. 

And running on to the biking transition.
We were screaming for him like total crazy people! 

M.'s wave getting ready to start. 

M. (looking like a total PRO) charging out of the water, with a huge smile on her face! 

Off to the transition...

Getting ready for the bike ride...

Unfortunately it was a busy-busy day and J. and I had to run off from the race to see our significant others' play baseball, so we didn't get to see J. and M. cross the finish line, but they both did GREAT! And they both looked so happy doing it! A big huge congrats to both of them for accomplishing their goals! Glad I could be there to see it! 

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