Sunday, May 8, 2011

Its a Small World...Sydney version

When we decided to go to Sydney, we got in touch with some friends from New York that had moved to Sydney about the same time we moved to Singapore....little did we know that one of Dave's best friends from High School and her husband would also be in Sydney, visiting the same friends, at the exact same time! Really small world right? 
With our fabulous friends, and world traveler, M. & C.
C., M., and the current Australian residents, G. and E.

We had a really nice time visiting with these guys- its always nice to know someone in a city you are visiting, but even nicer to get to spend some time with old friends from home. We grabbed a drink at the Shang and took in the city view, then headed out for a lovely al fresco Italian dinner. Unfortunately for us, they were all off on a trip to the Great Barrier Reef and had an early flight the next morning, so we had to call it a night early. (Thanks friends, it was *really* nice to see you!)

A picture of me with my husband! When we are traveling alone, they are a rare event. 

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, OY OY OY. 

The next day, our final full day in Sydney, we were out and about early to get in a full day of awesome sightseeing. While we were walking around downtown, we ran in to the BEST STORE ever.
Woo hoo- Australia has Lululemon stores! 
I would have been generally excited about a shopping experience, but given that I was on Day 3 with no cold-weather-appropriate clothes, I was THRILLED to have the opportunity to buy a comfy Lulu hoodie to keep me warm! After buying half the store just a few essential items (come on people, there was a SALE, I had to buy things, lots and lots of things!) 
My retail needs having been satisfied, we were ready to keep on exploring down-town...

Dave loves Lululemon too... He was pumped to get to carry this bag around for the rest of the day.

Downtown Sydney is pretty neat. Somewhat of a typical commercial area, but there were some really nice parks and fountains, and some interesting Colonial architecture. We checked out the Catholic Cathedral (Dave was disappointed it wasn't Anglican) and enjoyed some time in the park.

While in the Park, we ran in to this fellow...
Pretty birdy! Not gonna see this in Central Park. 

Next stop--- Bondi Beach!

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