Friday, May 6, 2011

A Booti Booti Easter

Thanks to our misadventure in finding sleeping accomodations, our big plans to attend Easter service at a Church in Aussie were dashed. Its a bit hard to attend church when you end up in a random town, late at night, with no internet. Ugh- oh well, you know what they say about best laid plans.

So instead of church, we hit the road, headed towards Sydney, and determined to enjoy the last day of our road trip. First stop of the day was Booti Booti National Park.
Thats right, Booti Booti.
Totally awesome name. 

This beach, the 7-Mile Beach, may win my award for prettiest beach ever. It was spectacular. 
And it was also practically deserted. Just us, a few brave surfers and the occasional fisherman. Made for a wonderful easter morning. 

My husband, confessing his love for me in a sand drawing =) 

Best beach ever! 

One of the only shots of us together- finally remembered to bring the tripod down to the beach! 

The best part of the beach... the seashells! 
I really have a thing for seashells. And Dave may not understand, but he kindly indulges my desire to walk around a beach for hours collecting pretty shells. 
I am still obsessed with these little horn shells. They were so tiny, and so pink! I loved the stripes and different textures. As you can see, I just couldn't get enough of them. I know have a little baggie of them in my room and I am just *sure* I will think of something awesome to do with them at some point....

No doubt on the hunt for shells. 

If you could see my face more clearly, it would be expressing how COLD this water was! Made me really glad we didn't have plans for an Easter swim. Brrrrr. 

 Since we had to make it to Sydney, we had to leave the best-beach-in-the-world, and keep on trucking south. Our next stop was Pacific Palms, where we hoped to have a yummy easter brunch.... The tiny town was cute, but brunch options did not materialize, so we settled for a soda and snacks picnic on the beach instead.
Snacks. Coke Zero. Car magazine. Beach. A happy Easter for Dave. 

Not quite a fancy brunch, but still pretty awesome. 
My recent Easter's in NYC have involved scrapping plans to wear cute sundresses in favor of more winter-weather-friendly clothing options, so feet-in-the-sand was not a bad way to spend the day! 

After a nice rest on the beach, we had to get back in the car- only a few more hours until Sydney! 
Our final stop on the roadtrip was Newcastle...which was not well reviewed in our travel books, but turned out to be a pretty neat old town!
This is the facade of the Ocean Baths! An ocean bath is like a swimming pool in the ocean. It allows you to get in a swim in gentle waters, surrounded by waves crashing against the side of the pool, and also lets you enjoy your laps with out fear of shark attack! Both things seem awesome. 

We ended the day with AMAZING pizza at a cute cafe on the harbour side of town. 
It wasn't exactly what we had planned for Easter, but it all turned out pretty wonderful anyways!

Next stop- SYDNEY!

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