Thursday, May 12, 2011

Exploring the Opera House

Our final hurrah in Sydney was a backstage tour of the Sydney Opera House. We were unable to get tickets to see a show at the Opera House while we were there, and I really wanted to see it, so the tour was the second best thing. And actually, we got to see such neat things, that it was probably better than just seeing the show. 

This is the view from the inside of the pit, looking up in to the Opera Theater. 

Dave on the conductor's stand, taking a peak at the stage. 

On stage at the Opera House...
It may have been cheesy, but it was pretty awesome. =) 
If I knew how to sing, I probably would have belted something out for good measure. 
But since that would have been painful for everyone involved, I just sang a little Les Mis, in my head (where I happen to sound perfectly on pitch)

Erin, Prima Ballerina.
(Look Mom, those dance classes early in life paid off- I am totally looking cool, on stage, at the Opera House) 
All set up for the ballerinas to come practice! 

The massive pipe organ in the Symphony theater. Would have loved to hear it in action. 

Sound orbs in the symphony theater- so the musicians can hear what they are playing.

The tour was really interesting- we got to walk all around the theater complex and on all of the various stages. I had never been behind the scenes at a major theater before and it was fascinating to see how everything comes together. I also loved getting to go in the fancy dressing rooms- we got to go in to the nicest dressing room in the house- where many celebrities have been- it was pretty schwanky! We ended the tour with a yummy breakfast in the green room, where all the artists and stage hands would be hanging out closer to show time. Dave was very patient with me- I know he would have rather taken a more history and architecture oriented tour, but I was totally in love with the backstage view of the theaters. It did have the downside of starting at 7am (ugh!) but I guess thats really the only time you can get in to the theaters when the actors, singers and dancers are not using it! It was a good thing that we had already done all of the sightseeing and shopping we needed to do- because we headed right back to the hotel for a mid-day nap before the flight home! Thank goodness for late checkout! 

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