Saturday, May 7, 2011

Destination- Sydney!

After three lovely days exploring the West Coast of Australia, we finally made it to Sydney, to our fantastic hotel in the Rocks neighborhood, and despite it having been a long day, we couldn't resist getting out and doing our first exploring! 
Useful instructions for Americans and others who drive the the right side of the road. 
First view of the Opera House! Even prettier in person (but somewhat smaller!)
Yup- we made it to Sydney!
Harbour Bridge at night. 
View from the hotel room. Not too shabby. 
First morning in Sydney, after a little stop by Starbucks, we were ready for some real exploring! 
Ferries and the bridge. Really, such a cool city- I am in love. 
Just me and the Opera House on a rainy morning. 
(PS: Thank god I brought this Lulu jacket for the plane ride because it turned out to be cold and rainy in Sydney the whole time we were there and I nearly froze to death!) 
I totally get why Sydney-siders love this bridge (even though, as an adopted New Yorker, I have to say it is not as cool as the Brooklyn Bridge)- I cannot even tell you how many pictures I took of it! And the cheerful yellow ferries rock too!
Having "our" first Sydney meat pie experience.
I say "our" because we started out with two of them, but after Dave thew his on the ground for the seagulls to enjoy accidentally dropped his, I kindly gave him mine, so only one of us got to enjoy a delightful meat pie on the streets of Sydney. I am such a good wife. 

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