Saturday, March 19, 2011

More Night Baseball Action

So you might think that it would be embarrassing to watch your husband and his late-20-something (and much older) friends get their butts kicked by a bunch of skinny little high school students.....(ha ha ha)...but it was really a lot of fun. And it was sort of hard not to root for the High School kids, because something told me it would be even more embarrassing for them to lose to a group of primarily out-of-shape middle aged men. And the whole thing was a fundraiser for the baseball team's trip to Bangkok for a tournament (query why kids who can afford to go to the American School really need a fundraiser?) so it was all in good fun. Hanging out simultaneously with a bunch of crazy Junior High and High School aged kids and their parents had the dual effect of making me feel very old and very young at the same time. It did bring back some fond memories of hanging out at sporting events when I was in High School and remembering how painful it is to be that cool.

What is more- the X-Men managed to play a respectable game, with some pretty nice home runs, and only ended up losing by a few. 

B. rounding 2nd base on his epic first home run of the night. 

Da boys are back in town...

J. looking like a pro on the mound. Watch out for the lefty. 

B. Home run #2 celebrations! 

 Being good sports and congratulating the victorious high schoolers. 

The 2010-2011 X-Men 

Yup, that happened. 

 What a sexy bunch of men =)

The ladies of X-Men baseball =) 

They may have lost (as was expected) but it was a great night! I totally loooooved seeing all the Americans running around, really enjoyed my American hotdog and candy and it was fun to see the guys playing under the lights. We're really lucky to have found this team and made such good friends and this was just about a perfect Singapore night. 

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