Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hello There- Weekend Update

Well, I have nothing terribly interesting to post about today... but my Grandmother is back online again- after having some internet difficulties for a few weeks, so I feel that I ought to provide her with some new reading material (Hi Grandma!)

While there haven't been too many picture-taking activities in the past week, it has been a pretty excellent week. Not the kind of week where its fabulous because of one major event, but the kind of week that just keeps getting better thanks to a series of small happy events.

For example, I had a STELLAR golf lesson on Friday. Which is so appreciated since the one the week before had been a slow-motion train wreck that very nearly involved tears and/or me throwing my clubs off the deck. During said disaster lesson- I really understood why people (I am looking at you Grandma) curse so much when the golf- its a damn &*#%ing frustrating sport! Just when you think you have it sorted out- BOOM- you do something wrong and you are back to square one. So I was a bit nervous that this lesson would be horror scene redux- but shockingly, I was wailing on the ball. My 7 iron skills were judged sufficient (it took 4 lessons to get there- jeez) and I was graduated to hitting my 3 wood. My wonderfully patient coach, who has figured out that I am straight nut-case, gave me a big pep talk about how hitting woods was different and harder and I shouldn't expect to even make contact my first swing...etc, just to lower my expectations. Well, I addressed the ball and NAILED it over 150 yards on my first try. While 150 yards is probably not impressive to my real golfer friends out there- it is a HUGE victory for this newbie golfer. The solid thwack that resonated from the club when I hit the ball was very very satisfying. My Coach, who I am guessing was pretty convinced that not only am I a nut-job, but also useless with a golf club, was visibly impressed. He tried to hold it back, to be polite, but the man was straight stunned. =) I am hoping it wasn't just a fluke and that I will be able to repeat my star-performance again this week.

The golf amazingness just set the tone for the weekend. Saturday involved me hanging out with a good friend, pretending to be a professional photographer and taking some snaps of other friends for their wedding save-the-date cards, baking my first ice cream cake and attending a super fun party with more friends. You REALLY cannot ask for more in a Saturday! The pictures, with the help of a little photoshop, turned out great by the way- I was horribly nervous and have a whole new respect for real photogs- its a lot of pressure!  But the couple is so lovely and in love that I suppose that a bad picture would be impossible even for an amateur clicker like myself.  The cake turned out rather less smashing than the photos unfortunately. I tried to do a Dairy Queen inspired number with two kinds of ice cream, oreo crumbles, fudge, yellow cake- and just in case there wasn't enough sugar, I added wedding-cake butter cream frosting. It was not only massive but also diabetes-inducing. Also I realized after I had started making it that ice cream cake is an incredibly inappropriate thing to make in Singapore- and also to bring to someone else's house. The hostess was very polite about the freezer space it required and also the mess it created- but I have assured her that she is allowed to bring finger paints or something equally as obnoxious to my house next time. You win some, you lose some.

In continuing the absolute parade of awesome, I got up this morning, went to yoga, met up with a friend and ran 5K in the blistering mid-day Singapore sun AND met up with another friend for some much deserved spa-time. And after all of that, I got to hold an adorable baby, got to see a funny light show at Marina Bay Sands from the Merlion, and had a spicy (carb free) Indian dinner with my running friend. Yup- possibly the best weekend ever.

And, I should mention that my wonderful husband was not even here this weekend (he was in China for work!) it was fun despite the fact that I was a single-lady for a weekend (not because of it, I swear =)). But his absence actually put the big red cherry on the time ice cream sunday of fantasticness that was this weekend- because he came home with a present! So I am writing to you while I admire by brand new wonderful Burberry wallet. He is sooooo good!!!!

And with that, I am calling it a night. I hope everyone's weekends were just as good as mine! XoXo


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