Monday, February 7, 2011

Lovely Langkawi

While I am literally DYING to post pictures from our amazing, wonderful, perfect trip to India.... I thought I should finish up posting pics from Langkawi. Seriously- I have a bounty of pictures this week to share! Most weeks I am scrounging up anything worthwhile to post about, but after visiting three countries in 7 days, my photographic cup overflows. But dear readers, prepare yourselves, with over 1000 pictures taken in 4 days, this blog is going to be about all-things India for a few weeks to come!

Back to last weekend in Malaysia...

Hello pretty beaches- I love you so. 

Because the resort complex was massive- and also pretty darn hilly, the hotel staff graciously shuttled the guests around in these modified tuk-tuks. Unclear why a normal golf cart couldn't get the job done, but whateves, we were happy to have a lift. We were also thankful to not be too far away from the lobby so our Sheraton tuk-tuk-ing was limited. 

Kindle, beach and umbrella = happy Dave. 

Not exactly the kind of sign you are hoping to see on the beach at your resort. Is there no where in SE Asia that is not currently being plagued by these monsters? It certainly makes a quick dip in the ocean a whole lot less fun! While we saw lots of dead ones washed up on the beach, we also had the pleasure of feeling lots of not-dead ones stinging our legs and arms when we went for a swim! 
This is the "black sand beach" on the Northern side of the Island. No your eyes do not deceive you, I didn't see much black sand either. But the boats were nice enough I suppose. 

Dave, looking for the mysteriously advertised black sand. 

Whoops- found a patch that was black. Hard to say if it was really naturally occuring though given that the majority of the sand was of the plan-old-vanilla variety so to speak. 

Lovely rice paddies. When we drove by the day before there were people out there harvesting rice, complete with water buffalo roaming about- but just our luck this day it was vacant. 

More to come....

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