Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Final Delhi Day 1 Pictures

Seriously, I took a lot of pictures! I am trying to go in chronological order here so bear with me- because there are so many pictures that I like and want to share, so I suppose at the end of each day there will have to be a post of my favorite random pics that didn't make the cut for the previous posts. Hope you can stick with me!
Me @ the grounds of Huymaun's Tomb. 

Tough job. 

Just a tomb in the middle of the road. Delhi is full of pretty surprises. 

 The ubiquitous auto-rickshaw.  
The Purana Quila at night. 
Unfortunately this is as far as we got because we got there just a little too late and a very animated guard was hell-bent on getting us outta there. Too bad, because it was really lovely from the outside. 

At the end of the night, we stopped by the club lounge for a tasty Kingfisher beer at the hotel. 

Our trusty guide book- served us well. (Except for that whole not telling us the Taj is closed on Friday thing- much much more on that later).

Cheers to our first day in Delhi! 

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