Friday, February 4, 2011

Incredible India- Day 1

We are having SUCH an amazing time in India. Its so beautiful and I am very lucky to have my great friend K. to be our designated Delhi expert and tour guide extraordinare. Its a lot more fun to visit somewhere when you have a local contact to put you on the right path. Its Day 2 in India and I am raring to go see things but one of us is not feeling so well (perhaps he should have passed on the runny eggs at breakfast...), so the other one of us is blogging to pass the time. So, while I anxiously await my chance to go rip through Old Delhi and take pictures of its amazingness- here are some of the sights from Day 1's adventures. 

So, this may strike you as an odd picture- but in K.'s lovely neighborhood- there were all these adorable piggies running around. I first saw one big old black pig run by the front patio, so of course I grabbed my camera (and my husband) and went in search of more piggies. We found this little family- and they are so cute! So we followed them around for a while. When we were done exploring, we went back to K.'s house and had a lovely breakfast- including some tasty bacon =)
Its Wilbur! Come on- he is so cute! 

Dave- with Momma Pig lurking in the background. 
 Construction sight- Delhi is growing growing growing. 
After filling us up with an incredibly delicious breakfast, K. was generous enough to drive us from his house to our hotel near India Gate in central Delhi. While traffic lanes are so optional it is unclear why they even bother painting them on the road- Delhi traffic wasn't too terrifying- or maybe K. was just being a really good driver for our sakes. 

Little view of the Delhi traffic from the car. 

K. drove us down Rajpath- where the Presidential Palace is located. Despite being super hazy, it was so beautiful. The architecture is a really unique blend of East and West- and the red bricks are lovely. 

Yup- that is a monkey running wild through the palace grounds. Just proving that no trip in South Asia is complete with out some monkey sightings. While some may argue that there are already sufficient monkeys on Capitol Hill- how much cooler would DC be if there were roaming monkeys hanging out on the grounds of the White House and the Capitol? 

Ok- there is much much more to report from our first day, but the sickie is feeling better and I am anxious to get out of the hotel for some more fun! More later!!!

XoXo- E

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