Thursday, July 8, 2010

We're Back... to blogging

June was a crazy busy month and we let our blogging slip- we didn't realize anyone would notice or mind, but my Grandma has let me know that she misses our blog and she has a few friends who also read it- so I am going to do my best to be better at posting regularly again. I have to admit that I am pretty in awe of my friends who manage to post multiple times a week- kudos to not choosing sleep over communicating, as I often have done in the past month.

So here is a quick wrap up of June:

Ben came to Singapore. We promptly took a very jet lagged and generally-tired-from-Graduation-Ben to Thailand for some R&R. Besides his jet leg resulting in some very bizarre sleeping habits for all of us, we had a great time. Spent some time exploring the town, more time at the pool, drank the obligatory tropical drink directly from a coconut, ate seafood that had been swimming mere hours before it met our tummies, the usual beach vacay business. I'll post some more pictures later. I turned 27 whilst in Thailand and for my birthday got to ride an elephant, which as a few of you know- has been a goal for quite some time (the elephant riding in Thailand, not the getting old part). I had big plans to ride an elephant in Thailand 4 years ago while Team Duke and I were living in Asia for the summer- but drinking followed by walking in high heels down a steep incline and the resulting broken leg crushed my elephant related hopes and dreams. The Curtiss boys were kind enough to indulge me on my birthday and let me have my long awaited elephant ride. And it did not disappoint- it was quite the experience and my only regret is that Ben got to ride on the elephants head and I didn't. Now I know what it is like to have siblings and hate them a little bit when they get things you wanted =) Oh well- maybe next time.

The rest of the time Ben was in Singapore was full of World Cup watching in the middle of the night at various drinking establishments in Singapore and then finally solidifying a serious relationship with O'Bama's Irish Bar, where we have been spending a lot of time. That's right- the local Irish pub in our hood is called O'Bama's and its motto is "Change you can drink to." Dave got a members only discount card which he now counts amongst his favourite possessions.

We managed to show Ben around town as best we could- it was good to have an excuse to explore some parts of town we hadn't checked out yet- and even managed to have our first Singapore Chili Crab- which was tasty. The best Ben related story is how he managed to miss his flight. But I will save the full details for a subsequent post. We were sad to see him go- but now the Curtiss's are visiting- so we were not long with out company!

While he was here I had nasal-sinus surgery- it was loads of fun. No further details are going to be provided because the full description is unpleasant at best. My only advice is that unless totally necessary, septoplasty and turbinoplasty should be avoided at all costs. Still hoping to be able to breathe out of my nose in the near future.

We just got back from a long weekend in Tokyo where we met up with Dave's parent's on their way here- and I got to show everyone around my former home. We also took in a baseball game- which helped ease some of Dave's serious baseball and live-sports related withdrawal. I sense that we will be back in the near future for another fix.

So that is life in a nutshell. When we do not have the pleasure of entertaining people we are pretty amazingly boring- which leads to a lack of blogging- but we will spend some time putting up pictures from the last few weeks and try to do a better job of keeping this thing updated!

A belated Happy 4th of July to all of our friends and family back home- Yay America.

Xo- Erin

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