Saturday, July 10, 2010

Belated Thailand

About a month late- wanted to share some more pictures from our weekend in Krabi. We had such a good time. It is technically the rainy season on the west coast of Thailand, so we were prepared for iffy weather- and did have some rain- but overall it was gorgeous and the cooler weather was a very welcome break from the Singapore sauna. Krabi, as compared to some of its more rambunctious neighbors like Phuket, is pleasantly quite and laid back. The Sheraton was off the beaten path on a stretch of beach with very few other inhabitants and only a few cute stores and restaurants nearby. Perfect for a relaxing few days. I think Ben was hoping for a little more activity (ie: girls and bars) but for us old folks, it was just what we needed.

There is not much story to tell here- we consumed as much pad thai and fresh sea food as possible, walked on the beach, lounged by the pool, explored the town one night, and drank a lot of local beer. 

One thing I did love were these crazy quasi-transparent sand crabs. We harnessed our inner 5-year-old and chased these little fellows relentlessly across the beach, day and night. The beach was so empty that we were often the only people in sight and the crabs would be unpleasantly surprised by our intrusion in to their sand. I think this particular crab was stunned from the repeated bursts of my flash trying to take a picture. He finally sat still for a proper portrait.
The other notable sea life we encountered were this large squishy jelly fish that were washed up all over the beach. I first thought they were really cool... I thought they were less cool when I realized while we were ocean kayaking that the presence of so many of them on the beach should have given me pause about getting the water. Understandably our time in the ocean was limited. We tried to go on a squid fishing trip (why not- nothing else to do!) sponsored by the hotel- but were told that there were too many jelly fish! Hopefully this is a transient problem as I'd really like to come back again and swim in the ocean!

No beach vacay is complete with out drinking directly from a coconut. 

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