Sunday, July 18, 2010

Welcome to the Gong Show

After endless hours of work, I finished my first IPO and when the company listed on the Malaysia Stock Exchange, I got invited to go watch! This may have been the first thing that I have been legitimately excited about at work- finally something completed. 

So off I went to Malaysia, to see what everyone kept referring to as "the Gong show." Now I was thinking- that is a funny name- those crazy Asians, surely its metaphorical. But really, there was an actual GONG instead of a boring western bell. 

Thats right, I am a Bursa Securities VIP. Clear the way for my creepy dilapidated Malaysian taxi to slide in next to all the Mercedes parked at the entrance....

Front of the Bursa building with the fake Seattle Spaceneedle in the background. If I had any free time on one of these trips I might venture up there- but based on what I have seen of KL and surrounding areas, there wouldn't be much of a worthwhile view.

Pretty cool building. Wish I had a better picture, but it was 10000 degrees and on a steep hill, which prohibited my wool suit and heels wearing self from treking down the hill to get a better angle. 

My first IPO Company!

I have to admit that it was a bit anticlimactic. There was however a New Years Eve-esq countdown at 10 seconds till 8am, which was spirited and thankfully in English. Then the Gong was hit by two representatives of the company. And....that was it. The rest was filled with somewhat awkward attempts at networking and being one of three non-Asians in the room. It was also a bit of a let down that the Gong show doesn't take place on the trading floor like at the NYSE. The Bursa has its own little reception room where the Gong business goes down- which allows for a full buffet of strange Malaysian food, but no fun traders and tickertape to gawk at.  I tried to con the guards in to giving me a tour to the floor- but failed miserably. All in all it was a fun, but short, trip to KL and I am glad to have put my first deal to bed! 

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