Monday, January 10, 2011

A Very Curtiss Christmas

What lucky ducks we were this year, that we got two Christmases! After our very happy Christmas in Colorado with my family, we got to celebrate it again with the Curtiss-Wiggins clan in Bradley Beach.

Dad checking out Ben's massive stack of presents. 
Let's just say he was on Santa's good list this year.

Lil Hoboken pride to take back to Singapore.

Kate working on her "finishing Library School" present- hope she liked it. =)

Two happy ex-pats looking forward to a large supply of illicit substance in Singapore. 
Little cousins after-dinner Jenga. 
I lost. A few times. In a row. 

The next night we had a delicious traditional Curtiss Christmas dinner. 
Yummy twice-baked potatos. 

Dad carving the roast beast. 

Dave's all-time favorite- Yorkshire puddings. 
(Which are not puddings)

And we ended it off with Dave's other favorite- Boston Cream Pie. (Which is incidentally, not pie) 
Cousin love. 

A Merry 2nd Christmas to all. 

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