Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adventures in Grocery Shopping

I convinced Dave to take me to my very favorite grocery store today, which involves taking a taxi to and from. I know, seems excessive when there is a government subsidized Singaporean grocery store right across the street from our condo, but the local grocery store is well..... catering to local tastes. And well.... I have become a bit of a fussy eater in Singapore. The smells of the local stores can be a bit much for me and the selection can be pretty limited (and sometimes pretty scary).

My grocery store on the other hand is like little America. It smells normal. It has packaged food in bright shiny environmentally un-friendly packaging. They carry 100 calorie packs! All the bells and whistles. The first time we happened upon it I nearly cried tears of joy I was so happy to see good old American food. All of our favorite food- bagels, fancy peanut butter, frozen meals, everything! Thank god for Tanglin Mall Marketplace.

Its almost like shopping at home... but one thing is noticeably different.....see if you can figure it out......

Yup, that is 10 dollars for Almond milk. 
Also cute is the explanation on how to read US labels- because it is apparently difficult? 

5.15 for Yoplait. Not 10 for 5 dollars. That is 5.15 for ONE yogurt. 

I love me some fat free zero-point chocolate puddings- but at 16.70, I had to pass. 

Graham crackers anyone? 10 dollars. And 10 extra bucks says they are stale. 

Lean Cuisine- formerly a big part of my diet. Not so much at 12 dollars a box. 
Pretty funny considering a freshly made dinner at a Hawker can cost less than 2 bucks. 

Ice cream? 
A bargain at 24 dollars for 2. 

Fat free cool whip. 
Often 99 cents in the US. 10 bucks here. 
Last week it was on sale for 5 dollars (likely because it was nearly expired)- I should have bought 2! 

Thomas Original English Muffins. 
I was thrilllllllled to find english muffins- I hadn't seen any and my Mom brought me some from the US which I hoarded from Dave. At 8 dollars a box, I basically still hoard them from Dave. Don't feel too bad for him, we spend about 10 dollars for a bag of bagels too. 

OK- there here is what we bought today. 
(No commentary on the randomness of our purchases please)
  • Dole frozen raspberries
  • Dole frozen blueberries
  • Philly cream cheese tub
  • Bag of pasta
  • 2 Pints Ben and Jerrys's
  • Box of 100 Calorie Kudo bars 
  • Jar of apple sauce
  • Jug of Gatoraid mix
Two bags total.
How much do you think this cost?

Answer after the jump.....
And the total today was......

That is right. Two bags of random groceries = 92.85


And you thought groceries were expensive in the US! 

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