Sunday, October 3, 2010

SIngapore F1 Race- Zoooooommmmmmm

Well, its been a week since the F1 race and I think my ears have only just now recovered from the crazy intense noise of these cars! I was warned it was loud- but WOW- it was REALLY loud.

We have been hearing about this race since we moved here but since neither of us are big car racing fans, we were unsure if we really wanted to go. But not very much happens in Singapore- this is the BIG event, so we decided it was a we compromised and bought walk-around only tickets for Sunday. Turned out to be a good call because one day was more than enough. 

The schedule of events for the day. Including a Mariah Carey concert. 
Pumped for the day- official program in hand. 
View of the casino. Nice sunny day = soooo hot to be walking around. 
The Merlion! 

After walking around and taking in the sights, and buying the obligatory tee shirt, we eventually got around to watching some cars. 
This was the porche race. 
Zroom. Zroom. 

Dave loved all the Johnnie Walker branding. Big fan. 
Went to visit the fancy antique cars being used in the drivers parade- car must have been lucky, Alonso won the big race!
Didn't work out as well for Hamilton. 

We were lucky to be able to meet up with our friend Mareen, and her boyfriend Frank, visiting from Germany, who had gotten to the race early and found some pretty prime "seats" in a stand on one of the turns in Zone 4. Frank is a pretty big F1 fan- and exceptionally knowledgeable about F1, so he turned out to be a HUGE asset to have around for us F1 virgins. 

Time for the driver's parade!

There's my boy Alonso!

And then it was time for the main event.....

I have to admit, it was pretty cool. We were really lucky to be standing at a turn, because they came around slow enough that we could see them. We were so close we could see the drivers turning the steering wheel. But it was deafeningly loud. Even with ear phones.

Lovely earphones.

After an exciting race, we made it over to the concert venue for the Mariah Carey concert- Dave was pumped. 
She is rumored to be prego... which is believable because she is looking a bit larger than usual. 
Concert was a bit of bust, she sang like 3 songs, whined about her feet hurting, fell down on stage, then some Chinese rappers came out. We bounced. 

The  walk home was one of the highlights of the day though- because we got to walk on the track!
Johnny walking...

Few skid marks on the road.

I cannot say I am a die-hard F1 fan now- but it was a great time and we are super glad we went!

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