Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall in Singapore

As per usual, it has been weeks since my last post. Unfortunately life has been pretty busy and in our limited free time- doing exciting things like laundry, grocery shopping and sleeping usually take precedence over keeping up with my blog. Bummer.

It is a little strange to think of it as fall here. It doesn't look or feel like fall- yet it is late October and nearly Halloween- despite it still being 100000 degrees here everyday. We have realized though that 7 months in this weather has changed our perception of heat. We still complain about it occasionally (like the above) but for the most part- we just forget that its not normal to be as sweaty as we are on a daily basis. It is only when we have visitors and they are literally melting that we really remember that it is SO ungodly hot here. One benefit I can see from this heat is that the little American children who will be trick-or-treating next week will not have the misfortune of having to cover their adorable costumes with heavy winter coats- which was par for the course in a Colorado childhood.

Speaking of Halloween- we were SO thrilled to find a pumpkin at our new favourite grocer!
Its funny- they sell pumpkin soup everywhere here- but I have never seen a real pumpkin! We were so excited to have a little piece of Halloween cheer in the house that we overlooked this:
That's right- we paid 24 dollars for a smallish pumpkin. 
It's the heat- it makes you do crazy things. 

This weekend we got in to the fall spirit and went about carving our pumpkin. I know some people make fancy and elaborate carvings, but we are inept with knives traditionalists. 
Step one: make a geometrically difficult lid so that it is nearly impossible to close the pumpkin

Fun with pumpkin guts. I don't know where this pumpkin came from, but man it had some weird looking innards. 

Expert pumpkin carving skills. Don't mind the all blue outfit. It was apparently smurf day in our house. 

Work. In. Progress. 

More carving technique. 

Luckily I did not lose any fingers in this process. 

Woot Woot- fabulous pumpkin!


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