Monday, October 11, 2010

Phuket- Day 2- Exploring Phuket Town

After a totally lazy and wonderful first day of lounging around the hotel, we decided to check out nearby Phuket Town and stimulate the economy with some serious shopping.
Mom in the Tuk Tuk. 

Gigantic gold dragon.

Loving the yellow tuk tuk. 

Serious above ground electricity. 

And after some heavy shopping, we happened upon this lovely temple. 

Hoping our shoes didn't disappear on the other side of the temple where we took them off!

I love all the pretty bright colors. 

After my mom bought one of everything for sale in Thailand, and we had some delicious Thai food and ice cream, we managed to convince a tuk tuk to take us back to the hotel. Of course, I let the tuk tuk driver convince us to go one last store (where he got a commission for bring in the tourists- I am a sucker, I know) where of course we proceeded to shop, shop and shop some more. One thing we are good at is shopping- that much we proved over and over again on this trip. Heavily laden with our purchases, we eventually made it back to the hotel to admire our bounty and wait for Dave to join us! 

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