Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tee Time

It is hard to believe that we have been here for over FOUR MONTHS so far. Sometimes it feels like we have been here forever and sometimes it is hard to believe we didn't just step off the plane yesterday. Every week we feel more and more settled and have finally established a somewhat normal routine (as much a an erratic work schedule permits) and are feeling ready to pick up some of our favorite activities again. For me it has been hiring a wonderful personal trainer- who kicks my butt three times a week. Dave found a baseball team that seemed like it would be great- but hasn't been meeting on a regular basis and meets almost in Malaysia- making for a long trip on a Sunday morning. S the search for a Dave-friendly recreational activity goes on... and we may have found a winner. 

People love golf here. Love it. Golf stores everywhere. Golf courses everywhere. But almost all of them are private or are sooooo far away from downtown- which is difficult for the non-car owning expats. So it was after much scouting and a little googling that we found a lovely little public course- with a driving range- right down town!

Unfortunately for Dave, I am not a stellar golfer. This is no surprise given my exceptionally limited ability for sports generally. Hand-eye contact is not one of my strengths. My poor Grandmother- a very talented golfer- did her best and spent good money to put me in golf lessons- but I am sure it was clear from an early age that I was not headed to the WPGA. Luckily for Dave, I am very good natured about my utter lack of skill and make for decent company at the driving range. So to the driving range we went. 

I didn't realize it was necessary to wear golf shoes at the range on the little mat of plastic grass- but apparently it is a critical step in the process =)

10 dollars worth of range balls later- we were in business. 
Believe it or not- I actually made contact with this one. Note the extreme tuck of the chin to chest- which seems to be the only manner in which I can remember to keep my head down. Its not pretty- but it gets the job done.

And ladies and gentlemen, be impressed, because I think this one made it about 75 whole yards. That's right. I wailed on that ball. =) 

And of course, there is no better way to end a vigorous range session than with an ice cold brew at the bar. 

Pretty good view of downtown. Think we will be coming back here... often. 

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