Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Invasion

This is what we ran in to (literally) on our way to the mall to go to the grocery store:
You will have to pardon the poor quality pictures- they are from the blackberry. Must learn that in Singapore you should ALWAYS have your camera because you never known when something crazy is going to happen.

That is right, these are tanks. Really massive big scary tanks. Chilling out on a commercial street by the mall.

These are the scary Army dudes in full green facepaint waiting to drive the tanks around town.
Not totally sure what these are? Bridges on wheels?

In any other country this would be cause for panic, but in Singapore- totally normal practice for National Day.

Tanks as far as the eye can see- we climbed a bridge to get the aerial view. 

Oh hey- just checking out the entire Singapore military.... typical Saturday.

These guns make me nervous. Bet they make Malaysia even more nervous.

Pretty interesting happenings in the Sing Sing- and this is just PRACTICE! Cannot wait to see the real show next weekend. 

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