Sunday, May 2, 2010

Borneo in Pictures

We met these friendly fellows at the night market on our first night. I rarely feel comfortable taking pictures of locals, especially kids, but these guys were no strangers to tourists and nearly insisted that I take their photo. In fact the smaller of the two flagged me down and then dragged his friend over so he too could pose. And, since they are adorable, who am I to refuse? I showed them their picture on the digital screen- they were pleased with the results and scampered off to do whatever it is that small children do in night markets at 10pm. 

View from our hotel room, Kota Kinabalu harbor and the outlaying islands in the distance.

The slightly less than inspiring Le Meridian pool. Its charm was only enhanced by the smell of rotting fish floating up from the fish market conveniently located directly in front of the hotel. 

Cool fishing boats in the harbour. 

Don't worry, it was still tied up, so it didn't get away....

Homage to its colonial past? 

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