Monday, April 11, 2011

More from the X-Men

After what seemed like a ridiculously long hiatus from baseball, the boys were back in action this weekend at what they promised would be the most important game ever. Why? Because if they won, they would be in first place in the league. <> Thats right folks, first place in the Singapore National Baseball league... =) 

Here are some pictures from the big game....

Of course the X-Men pulled out a stunning victory over their opponents. Actually, it was more of a good old fashioned butt kicking. I think they ended up winning 16 to 1... but despite the overwhelming win, there was some good baseball to be enjoyed. David made a particularly nice catch at first base. Way to go X-Men, way to go. 

Also, check out how cute this candy is! It says (in tiny tiny letters) Ganbare Nippon, which means roughly, Go Japan. My friend N. (from Osaka) brought them for the girls, which was super nice of her. Not only were they cute, but they were delicious too. (Arigato N.!)

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