Saturday, April 30, 2011

Koala Hugging and other fun with wildlife!

So the crocodiles were nice, but the REAL reason we came to the zoo, was to HUG a Koala. In our previous trip to Australia, I had hoped to get cuddly with a marsupial. but it turns out that it is not allowed in the state of Victoria! So this time, while we were in Queensland for the day, I had to cease my opportunity! Research told me that the Australia Zoo was an excellent place to snuggle with the eucalyptus lovers.

So, with out further ado, my Koala-hugging experience....
It was epic. 
We wish we looked a little bit nicer- wearing the same clothes we slept in on the plane is not ideal for beautiful pictures, but it was still pretty awesome. He was a cute little fellow, didn't smell bad, didn't pee on me, it went perfectly~! I just didn't want to give him back to the handler! 

With my big goal accomplished, we were free to wonder the zoo and check out some of the other animals. 
Dave hanging out with the 'roos. 

Me and the little roo, just hanging out. 

This was my favorite Koala. 
Check out those claws! 

Patting a koala, cannot have too much koala-love. 

D and the red roo. 

Don't have to tell me twice! 

This is a wombat. On a leash. 
The absolute funniest thing that happened at the zoo was related to the wombat walk.
This little Aussie girl runnnns up to the zoo keeper and says "Please sir, may I have a pat of the wombat"
But because she was Aussie, and quite little, it sounded a lot more like: "Puhlese sirh, mah I hav a pat of the whombat?" But to the bold go the spoils of war, because she did indeed get to pat the wombat, and I left the zoo with out any wombat contact. 

Seriously, if you ever get the chance to go to the Australia Zoo- its totally worth the one hour drive from Brisbane. Its a fun little place- nothing too fancy- but a really great place to get to experience Australia's amazing wildlife. 

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