Monday, April 11, 2011

Good times at the Icon Pool

When we first moved to the Icon, we were way impressed with the pool. In fact, the crazy amazing resort pool and the crazy amazing entire floor of hot tubs with an impressive view of the city are probably the real reason we picked this condo. And when we moved in, we were sure we were going to make good use of the lux facilities. Fast forward to over a year later.....and we can truthfully say that we use the hot tubs with decent frequency, but the pool has mainly gone un-used. We occasionally make it down there for some sun-time or a few laps, but we mainly just look at it from 34 stories above. With the clock ticking on our departure from Singapore, we decided it was high time for a pool party. We bought some meat, procured some American charcoal and invited over the whole gang.

And it was FUN! A lot of fun. The food was delish, the company was spectacular, the weather held out for most of the day, we only got yelled at for having beer in the pool once, there was only one minor drinking related injury suffered by our guests (which is amazing considering the 3+ cases of beer that were consumed by aprox. 10 dedicated individuals)... so all-in-all it was a perfect day!

The men tending the fire. 

So much food. And it was all tasty. 
American brats and sausages have never tasted soo good. And Dave did a wonderful job making burgers. I could eat bbq food every day. I am proud to say that my home made salsa and chocolate chip cookies were a big hit. They were an even bigger hit after the first 2 cases of beer were consumed =) 
A rousing game of flip cup being played. Those uninitiated in the art of playing flip cup quickly picked up the basics and an heated competition began. I am pretty sure the other people at the pool were utterly confused by the frequent (and vociferous) eruptions of cheering from the victors. 

J. and N. enjoying the sun. We couldn't have asked for better weather for most of the day. 

The gangs all here. 
<3 our friends. 

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