Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yogyakarta- Part I

We had a WONDERFUL vacation to Yogyakarta this weekend- the perfect relaxing trip before I rejoin the world of the working. Here are the first of many pictures taken in four days- hope you like them! 

We arrived at Borobudur, the ruins of ancient Buddhist temple located about an hour's drive from Yogayakarta and were told that we were both dressed inappropriately (our knees were exposed) and this woman quickly dressed both of us in batik skirts. Dave looks great in a skirt. 

First look at the temple in the morning mist. Dave was thrilled that I wanted to see the temple at first light and dragged him out of the hotel at 5am. 

The reliefs on the walls tell the story of Buddha's enlightenment. I personally like the ones with the elephants the best. 

These no doubt have a deep and important theological explanation-but this is not that kind of blog- we preferred to think of them as Buddha Baskets (or as Dave preferred "Buddha Bells). Each of the bell/baskets had a identical buddha inside- this Buddha broke free. Pretty amazing view from the top of the temple looking at the volcano and mountains behind. 
Practicing the art of self timed photography. A skill that will become increasingly important as we travel together this year. 

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