Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life at 12 Orange Grove Road

So people have been asking about where we are staying here in the Sing. Well, below you will find some pictures of the illustrious Darby Park Executive Suites. We are living the high life in approximately 400sq/ft...its spacious to say the least.  
Dave setting up the magic jack in our living room cum office cum dining room. The best part about "corporate" housing is that you have to be plugged in to the modem directly to get internet. This presents two interesting problems for us.... 1) only one of us can be online at a time and 2) we can only access the internet if we sit directly infront of the TV. We have solved the latter problem by rigging the ironing board to function as a desk. Really, a desk in "corporate" housing would be far too much to ask for.
Our kitchen. We did manage to make eggs and kaya toast this morning, which we consider to be a huge success. Kaya by the way is a traditional Singapore jam made of coconut- really delicious- we are becoming big fans. The kitchen is actually not that bad. The funniest part being that there is no coffee pot to be found, but a rice cooker- we got one'a those. We will be testing out the rice cooker this week- we'll let you know how it goes.

So, this is where we are (temporarily, thankfully.) We have been looking at condos for days and think we have found one- planning on putting in an official offer tomorrow. You wouldn't believe how complicated it is to rent an apartment here, more on that later.


1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, Erin! I'm
    bookmarking it. What a glorious adventure you've got in store!
