Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things we will miss...

Getting ready to move to a new place always makes you think of the things you will miss about the place you are leaving... and New York is a hard place to leave! The last few days have been filled with a long laundry list of "must do one last time before we go" activities. Having one last Bradley Beach bagel; a final walk on the Jersey Shore beach, eating at Fin's one last time (it seems like a lot of these events are going to revolve around food!)and it has got me thinking about some of the things we are going to miss. We know so little about Singapore that its hard to really know what we are going to miss but based on our previous time outside of the country we think we have a pretty good idea of some American classics that are hard to duplicate abroad.

Outside of missing our friends and family (who we are going to miss SO much) this is what we think will miss the most:

1) The World Champion New York Yankees- while some have tried to convince us that our love for baseball can be quickly replaced with a new love for cricket, I am unconvinced that a bunch of guys wearing white and taking tea-breaks between innings is going to thrill me the same way.
2) Bagels- This one is mostly Dave, but I think he is making a good faith effort to have as many as possible before we go and may be sick of them by the time we get on the plane!
3) Skiing- OK, so we are not really going to miss skiing totally since we are planning a trip to New Zealand over the summer to hit the slopes- but there is something reassuring about living in New York and knowing that the slopes are a quick car or train ride away.
4) Seasons- While no one loves a cold, grey, rainy day like today- its hard to argue about the benefit having four seasons with different temperatures. The one thing we consistently hear about Singapore is "its hot.... no, not just hot- really really really hot." Today, while nearly freezing to death on our way in to work, 90 degree weather didn't sound too terrible, but I think that I will be praying for a reason to wear my uggs by about month 2 of constant 90+ degree days.
5) Owning a car- after not driving for 2+ years I am sure that by the time I get back I am going to need to re-take driving school to remember the basics!

We will report back a few months from now about whether these predictions turned out to be true or not!

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