Monday, June 7, 2010

Thailand I

Ben drives the Elephant. 

We had a lovely time in Krabi- more later!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

On the Jersey Shore

When we first arrived in Singapore- MTV was in the midst of a massive marketing campaign for the release of the Jersey Shore to the Asian MTV markets. Humorous as this show may be- and I can admit to watching it faithfully when it was out in the US, (it was like a car wreck, you don't want to look- but you have to) I was unsure that Singapore was ready for Snookie and team.

Since we are currently sans cable, we haven't been channel surfing past MTV Asia to see the show repeated in its full glory, although it would have been interesting to see what if anything they censored for the Asian market. I had almost forgotten entirely about the show until a conversation with my co-worker today.

I have recently decorated my office with one of my lovely wedding photos and she popped by to admire it. She politely asked where the beach scene was and I responded truthfully and with out hesitation that it was in New Jersey. To which she almost fell over and shrieked- YOU GOT MARRIED ON THE JERSEY SHORE???? Cringing I realized that this lovely British girl living in SE Asia had been MTV'd.

A mere year ago I could have innocently discussed the whereabouts of my nuptials with out iliticting near hysterics from strangers. But no, thanks to the antics of America's, and now the world's, favorite "guidos" I now have to add the modifier, "but not in the Jersey shore like the show- a much nicer, different town." To which I recieve awkward, doubting and sympathetic nods. She did note that the beach in my pictures looked nicer than the beach on the shows. Thankfully.

My co-worker and I proceeded to have a lively conversation about the show- and the towns and she asked such insightful questions as "why are the towns so shitty?" "why are they always fighting?" "why do they dance like that" "what is a juice-head?" I answered as best as I could, with shame welling up deep inside for knowing some of the answers, but the saddest part was that I couldn't deny that this is actually what parts of the Jersey shore are like. She was in disbelief when I told her that "sadly, you cannot make shit like that up." She also didn't understand my americanism- but that is a different story. She admitted she watched the show- and the reunion- and liked it- but I knew her view of the US had changed forever. And along with that- her view of me had changed forever. Now somewhere, deep in her mind- she is going to associate me with the Jersey Shore- and this is clearly not something I am comfortable with. On the upside, Dave and I have considered dressing up as the Shore kiddies for Halloween- and its reassuring to know that while it obviously would have been a big hit (and a popular concept no doubt) in NY- it will probably go over equally as well hear. Guess people everywhere enjoy the guilty pleasure of trashy reality TV.